Thursday 30 August 2012


If anyone likes these two adoptions then please go to my deviant page ( and send me a link of a picture that you have drawn of the dragon and fill in these detailsfrom this( and you can adopt them :D




Short Story

Well now you know about the Balibold family, I have done a short story about the King when he was younger :D

Im not a writer and I havent done this before but someone suggested it on my deviant page so I had a go!

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below :D

Arnold sat there his mind blank. He had been signing royal documents for hours and to be honest he 
thought this was one of the most boring tasks in existence. Arnold had only just turned 12 and his 
father had decided he was old enough to help him. Initially, he thought it was a great step forward in 
showing that was going to become a great king and he had decided to rise to the challenge, but now 
he wanted the challenge to end sooner rather than later.   

His father sat next to him, sweat dripping from his brow as he slaved away over the papers. His 
father was paying attention to every tiny detail in the contracts and every now and again mutter 
something like “thought you could get away with that did you” before chucking that document into 
the flames. Arnold was sweating heavily too, the sweat stuck to his skin and created a musty aroma 
around his body. Unlike most boys his age Arnold didn’t like dirt, his exception was of course mud. In 
his eyes mud was clean, but sweat was not mud and he hated it. Now Arnold knew quite well that 
signing documents normally was nothing to sweat the whole of the Izlian Ocean over. It actually only 
really required a flick of the wrist, but his father had stoked the fire up with wood and the 
temperature was now getting ridiculously high. Arnold had protested about the heat for the first 
hour, his father had first just lectured him about the importance of this signing and the implication it 
had on the kingdom. But then he went on about the fact that once they started he didn’t want to get 
up just to add wood to the fire; he felt it was an ‘unnecessary interruption top the task at hand’. 
Arnold however thought he was crazy and when he tried to tell his father this he received a clip 
around the ear. Arnold father may have made him sit in a human oven but he wasn’t as stupid so he 
didn’t question it any further.

Arnolds mind wondered through a long list of things that he would prefer to be doing right now, 
fighting, playing, running…etc. He however was surprised to find that his maths homework was one 
of them. This, he decided, was just not on and anything that was worse than maths homework in his 
eyes was torture. He had to get out. He looked at the window and wondered if he could climb down 
the wall quicker than his father could catch him. He could then run into the forest and would deal 
with the consequences later.  

He was very much contemplating this prospect when he heard a girl shouting. Without even thinking 
he got up and walked over to the window. He saw below in the castle courtyard a young girl around 
the age of around 6 with jet black hair that flowed down to her feet. She was small and delicate and 
would have seemed like an angelic child to any onlookers if it hadn’t had been for the fact that she 
was shouting at the top of her lungs. She was shouting at a man Arnold assumed, by his expensive 
clothes, was an Earl or Baron from somewhere in Athalia. The little girl was rambling on about 
chances and how it was so unfair when…


Arnold never got a chance to hear what the little girl had to say because his father had just hit him to 
the ground with his maths homework (how ironic).  With his ears buzzing, Arnold turned round to 
see his father red in the face, sweat dripping down his brow and his fist a bit too close to Arnolds
face for his liking shouting,


Arnold couldn’t help but notice that his fathers face was so close to his that what appeared to be 
spinach flung out of the gaps in his father’s teeth straight onto Arnolds face.  
Oh crap, he knew what was coming as soon as he said the word window – he had seen it happen to 
his older brother weeks before he disappeared 3 years ago. His father picked Arnold up and hung 
him out of the window. The king voice boomed around the courtyard,


At that moment Arnold plunged into darkness.
Had Arnold been conscious he would have seen himself fall into the flower bush of Mrs Mcgrain the 
palace gardener. He would have then saw her running up and would have heard her shouting in 
what was incomprehensible English at the window he had just been thrown out of. He would have 
seen almost every person in that courtyard laugh; even the guards had a giggle which made a 
change from their usual stern faces. But more importantly if he had been awake he would have seen 
the little girl with the jet black hair run to his side place a handkerchief on his cut his head and run of 
into the distance away from the palace.

Arnold didn’t know it then but little girls name was Belladonna and she was going to change 
Arnold’s world.


The Balibold Family

The Balibold family is the Royal Family of Athalia. The crown has been passed down from generation to generation since the First king took over Athalia and banished people to the outer lands.

The Balibold family consists of:

The Father and King:
The Mother/ The Queen:
Shes a bit of a bitch really!
Their Eldest Son/Heir to the throne:

Their Eldest Daughter:

Their Youngest son:
His real name is Fergus but Balthizar called him chip because he always  acts like he has a chip on his shoulder so it stuck!

There Twin Daughters:

There EVIL!!!

Anyway I hope you like the family and ideas behind them :D 

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dragon warriors

In Athalia there are 8 guardian dragons that are chosen by the dragons to protect the land and its people. They are each linked to the land and have there own specific skills.

I haven't drawn all of them yet but I've done the profile for a few of them and I will post the rest when they are finished.

First of all is the sea dragon called Tiaeth.

Here is the initial fine line sketch:

And here is the full profile:

The sea dragon is always paired with the sea people, she is there only link in communication and is a key role in relations. She has a great relationship with the sea people and they would go to war to protect her.

There is also the Sky/Night Dragon:

Here is the initial fineline sketch:

And here is the full profile:

The sky dragon is always paired with the night people, but his loyalty's lie more with the dragons than them because they are able to communicate with the king directly, however his is still extremely important to them and he is well respected because of he is there living link back to there old religion.

Next is the Chinese Warrior dragon, this dragon is the most powerful magical dragon and the oldest. However he is young for a Chinese dragon and has a lot to prove to his race even though he is one of the wisest dragon warriors!

Here is the full profile:

The Chinese warrior dragon is linked with the magical etch island. He likes to intimidate young mages with his magical knowledge!!

There is also the fire dragon called skaline, who is new to the warrior dragons and is one of the youngest.

Read here full profile here for more details of her story:

She has been linked with the dwarven realm, which suits her personality as she is as secluded as them and rock/metal (used for her mask) and fire is very important in dwarven industry. She has a happy home there that she can retreat too.

The rest of the dragons I haven't draw yet however there will be:

An Ice dragon- linked to the vice king.
Twin knucker dragons that are linked to the desert and the trees.
A European dragon who is linked to the King.

Hopefully i can get them done soon and upload them :D

There is also a dragon temple that they all reside at with special dragon warriors to protect the dragons, so they can rest and feel safe at there home. The temple is a very magical place that is beautiful but deadly as it is filled with a collection of treasures, scroll and old replicas but they are booby trapped and magically protected. Any intruders don't stand a chance!

I hope you enjoy the stories behind the dragons and the profiles :D!!!

Monday 27 August 2012


This is my map, to the land of Athalia.

Athalia is the whole land but it is divided into two sections, Arrance and The Outerlands.

Arrance is the land that King Balibold has military control over and the Outerlands are areas that he doesn't have control over and people flee when there being prosecuted. It mainly attracts bad people and there have been many wars over the years for the kings to try take control of the Outerlands. The newest King has had the most success and has been the only person to broaden there territories since the first king took control over the majority of Athalia.

There are 7 main races in Athalia, they are:

  • The Humans who have main control over most things and own the main capital of Voralia and the Sub-Capital of Therolia.
  • The Desert nation who have control over the Darkal Desert and there capital is Narl. This is because it is the only place not to move where they can find fresh water sources as they have put infrastructure in to suck up ground water and protective houses against sand storms.
  • The Dwarven Nation, who have control over the Mosdel Mountains and there capital is Or'est. The Dwarven race is an old race whose tunnels run all through the mountains. Although they work in alliance with the king they know they have safety in the mountains and couldn't be attacked so there relationship lies on good will and mead (The drink and the animals-see the mead creature later)
  • The Forest Nation, who are people that look like humans but have longer limbs, they are a very magical race but not all of them have magic. There capital is Belydorerem but no human has ever visited it. On the rare occasion that the King has to visit to discuss politics they either come to him or to Todel, the town that marks the boundary between the forest and the land directly controlled by the human nations.
  • The is the Marsh Nation, they are people who live off the land and the fishing. They have military control of Elm Marshes. They have a shaman culture and look at the mud for answers. The women go out fishing whilst the men work the mud for there houses and built them up with dull mud. The richness of the families is determined by how big there houses are, the older the family the more mud has been put on the houses and the bigger they are, also the more canoes means more fish and more to trade with. There capital is Skelem in the heart of the Marshes.
  • The Sea Dwellers Nation, there capital is Tiass but no one really knows where they live. Tiass on the map has been put where the most sighting of sea people has occurred. The kings communication to the sea people occurs through the dragon warriors.
  • There is also the sky nation, whose capital is Sorisa, but its a cloud city so it cant be placed on a map. They control the skys and help guard all of Athalia.
Pronunciation of the capitals:
Voralia (Vor-ay-lee-a)= the Capital city
Therolia (fur-oh-lee-a)= sub capital city
Narl (rhymes with Carl)= head settlement for the desert people
Tias (tee-ass)= head settlement for the sea people
Serm (sir-m)= the magical capital
Skelem (ski-lim)= head settlement for the marsh dwellers
Irusia (ear-roos-see-a)= head settlement for the tree dwellers
Or'est (ore-st)= Dwarf city
There is also a capital for the sky people called Sorisa (saw-rise-a)

So this was a general summary of the world and its places :D I hope you get the general picture and enjoy the ideas :D

Introduction to this Blog

Hey Everyone,

This is a blog completely directed to my original world Athalia, which I have started at my deviant art account a couple of months ago.

This world is completely of my own imagination and is not nearly finished, but I will upload as I go and hopefully you can enjoy this world :D

Check out my devaint art page ( to see what I have uploaded already :D

Hopefully this Blog will enable me to explain a little more about this world :D

Thank you :D