Monday 27 August 2012


This is my map, to the land of Athalia.

Athalia is the whole land but it is divided into two sections, Arrance and The Outerlands.

Arrance is the land that King Balibold has military control over and the Outerlands are areas that he doesn't have control over and people flee when there being prosecuted. It mainly attracts bad people and there have been many wars over the years for the kings to try take control of the Outerlands. The newest King has had the most success and has been the only person to broaden there territories since the first king took control over the majority of Athalia.

There are 7 main races in Athalia, they are:

  • The Humans who have main control over most things and own the main capital of Voralia and the Sub-Capital of Therolia.
  • The Desert nation who have control over the Darkal Desert and there capital is Narl. This is because it is the only place not to move where they can find fresh water sources as they have put infrastructure in to suck up ground water and protective houses against sand storms.
  • The Dwarven Nation, who have control over the Mosdel Mountains and there capital is Or'est. The Dwarven race is an old race whose tunnels run all through the mountains. Although they work in alliance with the king they know they have safety in the mountains and couldn't be attacked so there relationship lies on good will and mead (The drink and the animals-see the mead creature later)
  • The Forest Nation, who are people that look like humans but have longer limbs, they are a very magical race but not all of them have magic. There capital is Belydorerem but no human has ever visited it. On the rare occasion that the King has to visit to discuss politics they either come to him or to Todel, the town that marks the boundary between the forest and the land directly controlled by the human nations.
  • The is the Marsh Nation, they are people who live off the land and the fishing. They have military control of Elm Marshes. They have a shaman culture and look at the mud for answers. The women go out fishing whilst the men work the mud for there houses and built them up with dull mud. The richness of the families is determined by how big there houses are, the older the family the more mud has been put on the houses and the bigger they are, also the more canoes means more fish and more to trade with. There capital is Skelem in the heart of the Marshes.
  • The Sea Dwellers Nation, there capital is Tiass but no one really knows where they live. Tiass on the map has been put where the most sighting of sea people has occurred. The kings communication to the sea people occurs through the dragon warriors.
  • There is also the sky nation, whose capital is Sorisa, but its a cloud city so it cant be placed on a map. They control the skys and help guard all of Athalia.
Pronunciation of the capitals:
Voralia (Vor-ay-lee-a)= the Capital city
Therolia (fur-oh-lee-a)= sub capital city
Narl (rhymes with Carl)= head settlement for the desert people
Tias (tee-ass)= head settlement for the sea people
Serm (sir-m)= the magical capital
Skelem (ski-lim)= head settlement for the marsh dwellers
Irusia (ear-roos-see-a)= head settlement for the tree dwellers
Or'est (ore-st)= Dwarf city
There is also a capital for the sky people called Sorisa (saw-rise-a)

So this was a general summary of the world and its places :D I hope you get the general picture and enjoy the ideas :D

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